When is Fall 2025 Noma Nation Orientation?
Fall 2025 Noma Nation Orientation is split into two parts: advising/class registration and Week of Welcome (WOW). Advising and Registration is held in June for Transfer Students and July for First-Year Students. Advising and Registration Orientation dates are based on students' academic plans. To view all orientation dates accompanied by their academic plans, please view the Fall Semester- Noma Nation Orientation web page. Part two furthers Noma Nation Orientation through "Week of Welcome (WOW)." WOW begins August 14, 2025 (on-campus move-in day) and ends August 17. Classes begin on Tuesday, August 19, 2025.
Where will the Fall 2025 Noma Nation Orientation be held?
Both parts of Fall 2025 Orientation will be held in-person at Sonoma State University. The sessions will take place in various locations across our beautiful campus.
Do I have to complete Noma Nation Orientation?
Yes. Orientation is mandatory for all incoming students — first-time and transfer. This is a time to introduce the transitional services and support of friends and programs critical to success not only during students' first semester but their entire journey at SSU. This is also the time to learn first-hand the information and expectations of the University. Please note if you were previously enrolled at SSU and it has been more than two years, you'll need to attend Orientation again.
I'm part of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), do I need to complete Noma Nation Orientation?
Instead of participating in Noma Nation Orientation, all First-Time Freshmen attend Summer Bridge. EOP Transfer students are required to particpate in Noma Nation Orientation.
Is there a fee?
Yes, the Noma Nation Orientation fee is $105 and is non-refundable. The Orientation fee is included within the enrollment deposit (ERD) that students pay when they accept their admission to Sonoma State University. Both First-Time First-Year and Transfer Students have the option of registering guests.
How do I register for Orientation?
Once you have accepted your admission offer and paid your ERD/Orientation fee ($155), you will have the opportunity to select your Orientation date by accessing your MySSU Student Center online. Throughout this transition to SSU, all orientation communications will be sent to the email address used in the student's application for Sonoma State University.
> Log into your SSU account.
> Click the "MySSU tile" (blue icon with Seawolf paw).
> On the drop-down menu, click from "MySSU Homepage" to "Student Self-Service."
> Select the "Applicant Self-Service" icon (Two people shaking hands).
> Click on "Noma Nation Orientation"
Do I need to attend in person? Is Orientation offered online?
In-person Orientation is required for all new undergraduate students. If you would like to request an exception, please contact the Orientation office by calling (707) 664-4464 or emailing us at orientation@sonoma.edu.
Who can I contact with questions?
We are ready to answer your questions! Call (707) 664-4464 or email us at orientation@sonoma.edu.
How and when can I meet with an advisor?
Transfer students will meet with their academic advisor in June and First-Time First-Years will have the same opportunity in July. Students will either meet with a Faculty Advisor from your academic department or a Professional Academic Advisor. The type of advisor depends on whether the student has selected an academic plan (major) or is undeclared. To prepare for orientation, please use the Academic Advising & Course Registration - Student Toolkit provided by the Advising Central. To utilize this resource, students will need to log into their SSU account.
Students will register for classes during their designated Orientation within the month of June/July. After that, students can edit their schedule during Open Enrollment from July 26–August 6, 2025. The final opportunity to register for classes will be from August 13-September 2.
Does Orientation offer overnight housing?
The University does not offer overnight housing during Orientation. See our Hotels and Transportation page for more information about local lodging.
How do I submit my official transcripts, and when are they due?
It is extremely important to submit official transcripts. Official transcripts are necessary to ensure we have everything we need to make an accurate evaluation of the college courses you have taken. This allows us to make sure you get the proper transfer credit and are able register for classes without any issues. Transcripts with your Spring 2025 grades are due by July 1, 2025.
I no longer plan to attend Sonoma State, but I paid and registered for Orientation. What do I do?
The Orientation fee is non-refundable. Please contact Orientation at orientation@sonoma.edu and we will update your student account and remove you from the Fall 2025 class roster.